chipster — chipster—

chipster — chipster—

chipster — chipster—

For this project, we took on the challenge of shooting three distinct Chipster spots in a single day. It was an ambitious feat, but with three sets in one studio and everything meticulously planned through previz, we managed to pull it off seamlessly.

Previz was our best friend on this shoot. With such a tight schedule, detailed 3D previsualizations allowed us to plan every element down to the last detail. This level of preparation was crucial in ensuring everything ran smoothly and on time.

During the recce, it became clear that the original set was too big. Our VFX producer suggested downsizing, which turned out to be a great move. By adjusting the set size, we not only made better use of the studio space but also kept the production on track and within budget.

A key takeaway from this project was the importance of involving the VFX supervisor early in the process. His insights during the planning stages helped streamline the entire production.

With such a tight timing schedule, good planning was essential. By meticulously planning each step and anticipating potential challenges, we managed to stay on schedule and deliver high-quality results. This project is a perfect example of how effective planning and teamwork can lead to a successful shoot, even under time constraints.

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